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Maghull, Merseyside, United Kingdom
A rather cynical student. Lived in Maghull for a long time...too long perhaps. Currently doing nothing at LJMU...Well, it seems like nothing. Also studying Spanish.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

Get the bubbly out, we are officially out of the recession! Well, that's probably what highly paid bankers and politicians are doing. These are the same people who put us in this position in the first place. The people that we have bailed out by investing billions of pounds into the holes that they have created but have not been accountable for. The same people who have lived the Life of Riley at the public's expense, and again not been held accountable for (if it was Joe Public fiddling Job Seekers Allowance they would face harsher punishment and would be tainted with the fact that they were a thief and dishonest. As so many politicians have done it then it doesn't really matter). The most surprising thing about this last point is that people were surprised by it. Anyhow, it has been covered. The news that we are out of the recession, by a massive 0.1% really does brighten up my day, it comes after we heard that unemployment has gone down...I really am on cloud nine. Of course, the title suggests that I am being sarcastic here. This statistic means fundamentally that less people are on Job Seekers Allowance, not that they are getting jobs. There could be other reasons for this. Many people, like myself, have gone back into education, or part-time/temp work. Make of it what you will. There are still hard times ahead...not for the people who can afford it of course. Do the politicians expect people to swallow these figures and rejoice?

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